With an Orky Bunker in the works I wanted to try my hand at some more Ork terrain. I've always wanted to make a tower with the Orky "laughing skull" on it. Also, why not make a 2nd floor for a Big Mek to stand and shoot.
Materials Used
(4)1/4" Dowels
22 gauge Floral Wire (aluminum wire)
Hot Glue Gun
DVD case (from a crappy movie)
scrap foam board
(3) popsicle sticks
(20) Push Pins
Burlap strands
Misc Bits
Pretty simple. Four dowels glued together at the top, then wrapped with floral wire. Yeah I know my work area is a mess.
Jumping ahead a little... I took an old DVD case and cut the top and bottom parts of the face. The wall and floor surfaces area cardboard. Everything was glued into place with hot glue.
The top floor had to fit a Big Mek with S.A.G. I didn't have one available so I used a Dreadnaught's dimensions instead.
Next, scraps of foam board (from the Big Ead Bunka project) were cut and glued to look like support beams. Once that dried a few push-pins were added to give it that "riveted" look.
The 2nd floor needed a little more detail so I took a few strands of Burlap and wrapped them around the beams. Finally some misc bits here and there :)
The top smoke stack is some cotton glued to a gatorade cap. Originally I was going to make a Grot's nest up top, but it took up too much room and detracted from the face. Instead, I glued the smoke stack on and ran some cardboard around the edge.
After undercoating it black It was masked and spray painted section by section: Brown on the poles, Red on the Banner, and White on the face, grey on the smoke stack.
There you have it; a quick and easy Waaaaagh! Banner. I think I'll end up making four of these for Planet strike and use them as corner sections for walls.
Question: How do you make your rivets/bolts for your minis? Do you use pin heads or a different method? Any input is appreciated :)
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6 years ago
One simple way (which I confess I haven't tried yet) is to get plastic rod and use a knife to just slice discs off.
Only really convenient for glueing on plastic though, probably.
I like the banner platform though - looks really nice.
I'll have to try that next time. Thanks for the comment :)
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