The hot glue adds some nice mass to the model, but it's hard to detail since it doesn't hold any shape. Normally I would just do that and call it good, but it wouldn't make for good reading.
Digging around my electrical tools I had an idea... The soldering Iron! If you haven't used one before they are quite simply a low voltage tool to melt soft metals to create a bonding material for electrical components. For us real men, they are great for burning shit too!
With that said if you decide to use a soldering iron be very careful not to burn yourself. They get extremely hot and can burn you severely. I strongly suggest only plugging it in when you will use it then immediately unplug it when you are done. Speaking from experience I've burned enough things (like carpets) I wish I hadn't haha.
I apologize for the bad pun...
The two prong pitch fork and the torch to the right of it are the same bit. Initially I wasn't trying to make a torch, but these things just happen sometimes, lol.
The box was a little short on swords so I had to improvise a little. The ones above were mostly "bones" from the kit.
After heating up the soldering iron I melted the models carefully. I applied the iron much like a paint brush.
This model has a little work done to the eyes and torso. I decided to, if possible, keep the jaw details and just carve the eye into a cyclops.
Here I was experimenting with adding bullet holes and "battle damage" to the model. The other ones I have claw marks and spilling guts.
Another Plague Bearer.
This sword was a Gene Stealer claw. I wish I had more of these as they were fun to detail.
Nurgle Standard Bearer. I'll probably add something to the standard to make it look more convincing.
Both models here have the same weapon, though the one on the right has had the iron put to it.
They're starting to look a little more Nurglish. The next step will be the hot glue gun to the horns to bulk them out a bit. I'm still debating on if the bodies should get hot glue since it doesn't mold very easily and doesn't hold detailed shapes.
King Kreel's Grand Hunt: Idoneth Deepkin
The Grand Hunt at the Warhammer Citadel
The Eidolon of Mathlann
King Kreel’s Grand Hunt
Pah’rah, the Living River, pours across Ghur like a snake, eter...
6 years ago
Dude this is freakin genuis I am totally stealing this idea!
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