A quick update to the Great Unclean One. He's been fun to paint so far and I look forward to detailing this big disgusting guy. For the most part I know how I want to paint the body, but I'm still debating on how to do his sword and chains. I want them to look rusted yet contrast against the GUO's skin tone.
I gave the green areas a wash and painted the teeth with Kommando Khaki
Next a dry brush graveyard earth. If you're not familiar with dry brushing, it's a technique that involves lightly "dusting" the model with a little bit of paint (about 10% of what you normally use). This helps add some artificial highlighting not to mention a pretty cool effect.
The only drawback to this technique is it can leave your surface "fuzzy" and can be more prominent the lighter the pigment color. An alternative to dry brushing is wet blending, which is more advanced but yields better results.
Finally I went over the model again with another wash, this time Devlin Mud. As any mini painter can tell you washes are great. They really bring out the contrast in a model. Comparing this to the previous picture you can see how the contrast has changed. Washes also help transition colors together more smoothly.
These are some fairly basic yet effective tools in bringing out a model's details. From my personal experience, learning how to apply just these two techniques has helped me tremendously. It has helped train my eyes to recognize some subtle details that I used to over look.
King Kreel's Grand Hunt: Idoneth Deepkin
The Grand Hunt at the Warhammer Citadel
The Eidolon of Mathlann
King Kreel’s Grand Hunt
Pah’rah, the Living River, pours across Ghur like a snake, eter...
6 years ago
Nice work -- I like the teeth and the rotten flesh tones at the front.
That thing looks awesome!! Cant wait to kill it in battle!!!
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