Work continued on the Daemon Prince. The hardest part was going to be designing the legs. Originally I thought of making hooves or a snake like lower body, but that seems to be used too often with daemons. After reading through a post on From the Warp: Making Plasticard Plates that gave me the idea of making terminator legs instead.
After some sketches and browsing through some pics I thought I'd give it a shot. The most time consuming part was making the shape of the boots fit with the body. A few times it looked like he was wearing leg warmers. Yeah nothing says "intimidation" like leg warmers.
After some sketches and browsing through some pics I thought I'd give it a shot. The most time consuming part was making the shape of the boots fit with the body. A few times it looked like he was wearing leg warmers. Yeah nothing says "intimidation" like leg warmers.

After sculpting the boots (which remind me an awful lot like Mega Man's lol) I stretched a thin amount of GS over the thigh areas.
I followed the same process over the boot area. This will help bond the glue to the plasticard better.
The reason I made him so big is because he is a Heavy choices in the Chaos Daemon codex, unlike the Chaos Space Marine's counterpart being an HQ instead
While that cured I got to work on the shin armor plates. I had some 3x5 cards lying around and made a template. Let's see how it fits....
As you can see it's a little too big. It almost looks like he's wearing soccer shin guards, lol. Nothing a pair of scissors can't fix.
After cutting the stencil down a bit I traced the image onto a sheet of plasticard.
The upper leg plating was a bit easier. All that had to be done was cut a strip of plastic card and bind it to help with the bend.
I started the process by gluing the inner part and holding in shape for a few minutes.
After 15 minutes I glued the rest in place around the leg.
The shin plates were glued in the middle then folded back. After this comes my favorite part; playing with the hot glue again. The hot glue gun is great for making quick drying texture. Although it doesn't hold shape like clay does, it can be heated and re-sculpted easily so it's very effective for this sort of thing.
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