Working with pewter has been a learning experience. One thing I learned is don't try to take shortcuts if you want your models to stay in one piece lol.
With that said I invested some time researching different pinning techniques. One thing I learnes is a pin vice is much better for pilot hole drilling than a multi-speed dremel on low setting. It's made the drilling process ten times easier and faster (not to mention the model isn't getting hot from friction anymore).
With that said I invested some time researching different pinning techniques. One thing I learnes is a pin vice is much better for pilot hole drilling than a multi-speed dremel on low setting. It's made the drilling process ten times easier and faster (not to mention the model isn't getting hot from friction anymore).

Tools used
- Hobby knife
- Super glue
- Pin Vice (hand drill)
- wire brush
- small clippers
- metal push pins
- Green Stuff epoxy

Out of all my models this guy has been quite a p.i.t.a. lol. He refuses to stay glued and is fairly unstable. A little pinning will fix that right up :)

The claw arms have already been pinned so now it's on to the more difficult ones. The slight problem with his sword arm is it's set at a weird angle and pushes against his head lol. I started by drilling a small pilot hole with the pin vice and then gluing the pin in place.

I drilled the hole and marked it around a quarter inch. I just need it to be deep enough to join the pieces without weakening it's structural integrity.

A dry fit. These small push pins are great since they are very stiff and gives you something to hold on to. Depending on the model I'll keep the point on and wedge it into a model creating a very snug fit.

For this arm, though, I cut of the tip to keep it flush.

Once the glue dried I cut the pin head off

This is the original pose of the hand. He's doing a "bang-you're-dead" or something. Meh, it's alright, but I think it would look cooler to rotate the wrist and make it look like he's taunting his prey.

Dry fit in place. The wrist has a slight bend which I think adds a little to the theme of the model.

With the glue almost dry I worked some Green Stuff into the wrist. This helped to keep it firmly in place

That's better. A little green stuff goes a long way

With everything in place I ran a hole through the shoulder.

Finally a dry fit for the arm. It fit nicely and just needs a little gs to clean it all up.
There you have it. Pretty simple yet very effective. I finished up pinning all the arms and all that's left is some simple basing then priming.
Cracking post mate, must admit, you're braver than me, I wouldn't dare of using a dremel to drill with.
haha thanks.
Yeah the dremel works ok if you need a quick, shallow hole in pewter, but otherwise it goes too fast and melts the pewter to the bit.
The first thing that pops into my head when you say KoS is Kult of Speed lol. Its the ork in me.
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