I wasn't too fond of how the first wash came out. The Baal Red and Ogryn flesh started out alright adding a nice redness to the muscle/sinew areas, but it still lacked the dark contrast I was hoping for. Normally I wash models heavily with dark inks to get good contrast but I was trying a different method.
After asking some friends at DakkaDakka they convinced me to darken it up some more. With another wash of Devlin Mud to the entire body and some of the metal bits on the claw arm things were looking up for the metallic heathon. I followed up by inking a few of the darker areas with badab black. The end result turned out much better and gave it the contrast it needs to make the highlights "pop"
The picture you see doesn't have any highlights to it. I turned the backlight off and adjusted the image to increase the contrast a little more. This is much closer to the result I'm hoping for.
I wish I could say I was done basing the upper body, but I'm not lol. I still have to go back and clean up some missed areas. Once that's complete I'll give those spots the finishing touches then I'll be ready to add some highlights.
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King Kreel’s Grand Hunt
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6 years ago
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