Here's a few quick updates on what I've been working on recently. After a week or so I'll be taking a break from my army to focus on another commision for a friend. I haven't done one since The Eldar Avatar and Yarrick so it will be fun. :D

Added some detail to the Blood Thirster. I was trying some inking a little on his horns.
He needs work on the wings then final clean up and detailing. I'm looking forward to getting this one all done.
While waiting for the Blood Thirster to dry I go back to this guy and refine the details a little. I like his theme so far especially the definition on the torso.
A better view of the ribcage and highlighted foot. The biggest challenge will be the wings. I want them to look different than the other models to accentuate his uniqueness (as he is a named character). I'm thinking of a bat-leather type texture.

I've also been touching up the (remaining) Ultramarines. This Captain I started working on his banner. If I get the time I would like to paint the rest of my marines. The ten that I haven't sold I'm thinking of painting one from each of the major chapters like Space Wolves, Crimson Fist, Dark Angels, Blood Angels, etc..
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