Fortunately for me, though, I have a mini-vacation coming up. I had to work two on call shifts in a row (about 12 days on with 7 of those being 24 hour on call). The schedule change allows me to have Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Eve off (woot). Overall it's a good thing :)
I know that you would rather see some 40k stuff. Good, because I'd rather talk about 40k stuff.
Here's an update to the Blood Thirster. He's much closer to completion, just needs touch ups in some areas and more detailing (you can never have too much detail).

The base has been darkened and washed with red and brown tones. The "white hot" lava was a fun test, but it didn't really match the style of a Khorne Daemon and as Crunch pointed out looks a lot like popcorn. I'm much happier with the result now. It looks like a mix of lava and blood.
I also tried out a technique on the Axe blade to give it a better 3d effect. I'll have some close up pictures up this week.
I also tried out a technique on the Axe blade to give it a better 3d effect. I'll have some close up pictures up this week.
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