We asked some of the Bit Heads what they think about their favorite armies. Here's what they have to say

What is your favorite thing about your army? Looks? Play style?
The favorite thing about my army is the numbers game. What I mean by that is the extreme amount of firepower that they have. I've always been fascinated with something called the law of large numbers which states:
“If the probability of a given outcome to an event is P and the event is repeated N times, then the larger N becomes, so the likelihood increases that the closer, in proportion, will be the occurrence of the given outcome to N*P.”
With commands such as First Rank Fire! Second Rank Fire!, a squad of 50 guardsmen throws out 140 shots from their Lasguns (laspistols for the sergeant) assuming they are all in 12" range. This means that even though Lasguns are relatively week, assuming that they can wound, chances are even the toughest infantry model is going to go down.
Why did you decide to play them?
I decided to play them because I like the idea of playing normal humans. At first I was going to play Witch Hunters with my focus being more on the Sisters of Battle, and less on the Inquisitors, but then I noticed how little I actually get from the IG book and thought that I would do it in reverse by owning an IG army and supplement them with the Sisters of battle.
If you could change something about them what would it be? Is there a certain rule that you think needs to be retooled or removed for them?
I honestly don't think i would change anything with the IG. They seem pretty powerful and contain many options to succeed even though I haven't won very many games (I think this is due to armies being created without research, trial and error is so much fun). If you increased any aspect of a figure or lowered point costs I think we would begin to see some overpoweredness.
The only exception is the Ogryn squad. At 130 points and 40 points per additional figure, they seem a little over priced
for what they can do. The Ripper gun is pretty cool, but come on, at a range of 12", your only getting one shot with them before being assaulted by the enemy at a BS of 3 (The description of the ripper gun states that "...it is all but impossible for the Ogryns to miss.") which means that 50 percent of the 9 shots (no additional Ogryn) should miss. I would rather take my chances with an additional infantry platoon over the Ogryn.

What is your favorite thing about your army? Looks? Play style?
I play many different armies, so I will break it all down
Imperial Guard - looks, I love the simplistic man vs immeasurable odds nothing special just normal guys with the M-16 of the galaxy, some flak armor, and mass attrition. Just started getting this army together haven't really played them yet and to be honest from what I have seen I would not change much.
Chaos Marines - Again the looks of the models are awesome. I like the way there is multiple troop choices in the army so you have these different squads that all have some type of special ability whether its extra toughness or magic powers.
The MAJOR thing I would change about them is the fact that there equipment being the same as space marines, why do the land raiders cost more while also transporting less amount of men. DROP PODS only in apocalypse LAME.
Points are pretty hefty also, really with all the space marine updates Space Wolves for example their troops are still 15 pts each and they get some pretty cool bonuses compared to 1k sons who are 23 pts a piece with a 4+ inv save and the negative of slow and purposeful, I think the spread is a little lopsided.
Tyranid - Again I like the models for this army, but I think more than that I just really started playing them since I got such a great deal on an army. I am into my 2200 point army with a nice case for no more than $220 dollars.
I like painting them and the fact that they are just a swarm of devouring destruction that are never ending. After reading some books about Tyranid invasions what really made me love this army was putting myself in the shoes of some poor imperial citizen on the verge of an invasion the unrelenting helplessness I would feel knowing what I know about this army.
What I don't like is simple, no ranged weapons that can destroy tanks.
Tau - By this time your probably wondering WTF this guy plays way to many armies, but my obsession stemmed from wanting to know everything about my opponents army and the fact I got a good friend in the industry and he constantly is making me ridiculous deals on new armies. Back to the Tau, while the models are cool I think my subconscious love for Robotech caused my interest in the models.
I love the range, shooting, technology, gearing up units with all sorts of cool equipment, CRISIS SUITS ROCK. What I would change, not much, I really think that kroot are really weak for being the Tau's front line hand to hand fighters.
Eldar - wow let me start by just saying I love the way the models look even though most the models are old styles the bright paint schemes that pop is what really caused me to hone my painting skills and I am proud to say that it was my eldar that won me my first recognized painting award. The thing that I look forward to and love when playing Eldar is the look on my opponents face when I start telling them all the crap my units can do.
I love saying things like now my guys are moving, fleeting, and charging you with 30 power weapon attacks and that's right after my farseer is dooming the unit I am charging