Mmmm... Forge World. Great models but a bit pricey. I often find myself digging through their site admiring their handiwork and wishing I had money to spend lol.
These are the models I would probably get (obviously all Chaos)
Great Unclean One
Price: £97.85 ($160.07 US)
Keeper of Secrets
Price: £83.20 ($136.11 US)
Blood Thirster
Price: £132.15 ($216.18 US)

Khorne Daemon Prince
Price: £43.06 ($70.44 US)1 British pound = 1.6359 U.S. dollars and shiping cost is 15% of the order total. It's a pretty hefty fee for any model collector.Still very much worth it if you can afford it. I need to get a yard sale going when it gets nicer lol.
What I need to do is find a US vendor that stocks Forge World and order from them. Hopefully there will be some sort of price break from the MSRP because retail FW is just too rich for my blood.
Very poor chance to find, rather try eBay.
Yeah, those would be sick... Nice boobage on the Keeper of Secrets... lmao j/kin... Although I would expect you to say "DIRTY SECRETS" every time you move her... lmao
Yeah was reading more about FW it seems vendors don't get it at wholesale, so most charge retail +FW shipping. sells FW stuff for regular price, but they stock it locally so it comes much faster (if you live stateside). Combine that with their other stuff it's a pretty good deal
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