Last week while glue was drying on the base he decided he wanted to "fly" and did a face plant on the floor, breaking off his arm (holding axe) and bending part of his left wing. To my amazement he was still attached to the base.
Then the other night over at Hoot's place I tried bending the wing a little to straighten it when it finally gave and snapped off his shoulder.
Luckily the Green stuff was an exact fit so it glued into place with little work. You're lucky you little bastard, otherwise I'd have to beat you for your defiance!
Anyway, I decided to use a quick basing technique I saw on forums. I like the idea of simplifying techniques for new painters so I thought I'd try it out too.

Primed Skull white

A heavy drybrush of Golden Yellow, followed by a lighter brushing of Blazing Orange

A lighter coat of blood red at the top.

Next a coat of Scorch Brown followed by Chaos black.

Refining the colors a little bit. I added more red and a little orange.
It looks pretty cool. I think I'll get the Blood Thirster table top then see how I like it. I figure I can tweak the colors if it ends up being too dark.
What do you think of this base? Comments are always appreciated :)
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