Here's a quick and easy way to base your models.
Materials: White hobby glue (Elmer's) or PVA glue, basing material (I use playground sand) and something to spread with (popsicle stick)

Step 1: Apply glue to the front and back of the base.

Step 2: Spread the glue to cover the base completely. It helps to clean the top edge of the base with your finger.

Step 3: Gently move your model into the sand. I prefer to bury it up to the knees. This works with painted models too, just make sure to push them in carefully :)

Step 4: Profit! You now have a quick and easy base for your army. It helps to tap off excess sand and run your finger around the edge to clean it up.

Depending on the size and shape of the sand you may need to do a second layer to cover the base completely. Some people prefer to base their models after they paint them. I prefer to base them before priming as it helps to "lock" the sand in place. This also makes painting the rocks a lot easier (if you plan to paint them that is).
Different methods yield different results
Did you find this useful? Anything to add? Comments are always welcome :)
Man, I've been meaning to post on this topic. This is a pretty sick way of doing it and I cant wait to try it when I start getting my battle forces put together.
Cool. I want to see them when they're finished :)
Greaat read thank you
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