Aside from working on call, I had a little time to work on the Avatar some more. It's nearly completed and I'm liking the results. I'd like the lava to have a very "hot" look to it, so I will probably go over it again with skull white some more.

This was a test for the lava on the base.

Dry bushed Scab Red followed by Red Ink

From here I started at blending from Red Gore to Blood Red to Blazing Orange.

Blending up from Blood Red to Blazing Orange to Sunburst Yellow and a little skull white

Started the detail on the head piece with a thin coat of Commando Khaki (shown on the left of his face) followed by Bleached Bone (right side of face)

Cleaned up a little with Chaos Black and added Tin Bitz (woot) to the armor
More pics to come :)
Wow man, that looks sick!
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