----- Every Wednesday is project day @ TINBITZ -----
Chi3f: Working on highlights to Commisar Yarrick, adding reds to the Power Klaw and refining the cloak. He should be finished by Friday (work permitting). Pics will be up Saturday :)
Hoot: Building and magnetizing a Nid army. He almost drilled a hole in his shirt with the dremel tool haha. No models were harmed in the process.
Check back every Wednesday as we'll have weekly pics up of our projects
Hehe, thats pretty funny. I would love to go up against a 'nid army with my IG. I have a few other commands that my units can do that I would LOVE to try that are supposed to be effective against the 'nids. Yarrick looks sick, thanks for painting him for me. I should have my Tech Priest either tomorrow or early next week as I ordered it Tuesday. Now I just need you to paint a Baneblade for me.. lmao j/kin
Awesome Chi3f your doing a great job keeping up on the groups activites.
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