Nurgle Great Unclean One

Working a little more on the Nurgle Great Unclean one/Plague Grinder. The first few pics show the work to the horns. I started with a piece of green stuff about the size of a pea and rolled it out about the width of a pencil and twice the length of the horn. I let it cure for about 15 minutes, then wound it from the skull to the tip of the horn. From there I began to manipulate the shape more to my liking.

Also added a nice big, disgusting sore to his forehead lol.

From here I'm going to clean up the face a little more then start on the framwork of the upper body.


s2ua7 said...

Looks sick, same with the above post, but I cannot comment on that one for some reason...

Chi3f said...

Hmmm.. that's strange. I went through them and they all have comments allowed.

He's fun to sculpt. I especially like Nurge since you can't go wrong. In fact, the grosser the better mwa ha ha

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