Escalation in the Man Cave round 1: 500 points 1-on-1
Here are the results of the first round of the Campaign.
Chaos Daemons of Nurgle:
8 Plague Bearers w/ Icon (team A)
7 Plague Bearers (team B)
9 Nurglings (team B)
1 Bight Drone (team A)
Special Rules: All but the BD have +5 inv. sv. and FnP. Blight Drone is a fast/skimmer and treats it's own destroyed - wrecked as destroyed - explosion.
3 Killa Kanz
3 Killa Kanz
10 Boyz squad +Boss Pole
1 Big Mek +Kustom Force Field
Special Rules: Kanz are walkers with AV 11F/11S/10R and the Big Mek's shield gives any units within 6" a 4+ cover save.
My plan was to tie up his boyz to get enough kills to force a draw. The Blight Drone was there to try and pick off some Killa Kanz.
Round 1 Orkz: I won initiative so I decided to go 2nd. The Orks proceeded to move towards the middle of the board. With nothing to shoot they decided to run then ended their turn.
Round 1 Nurgle: Praying for a 3+ to bring in team A, the dice gods favored me with a 5. Placing the Blight drone safely in the back center of the field was a good decision as he deviated 11" to the left side. He shot his Phlegm large Blast but it deviated completely off target. With his twin linked Reaper Auto Cannon he scored two hits, but failed to penetrate any armor. The 8 Plague Bearers squad fared better with no deviation. The PB squad ran to the back left side to try and find cover.
Round 2 Orkz: The Orkz moved forward and began shooting. The 3 on the right opened up and scored 15 hits from 6 small blast templates on the Plague Bearers. All but one managed to make his save resulting in 1 KP for the Orkz. The other 3 Kanz focused on the Blight drone and ended up destroying the Maw-cannon taking out the Large Blast Weapon. Still out of range the remaining Orkz ran and ended the turn.
Round 2 Nurgle: Needing a 4+ to bring in reserves, the dice gods agreed granting both remaining squads the 4s they needed. The Plague Bearers and Nurglings in reserve were placed safely withing 6" of the Icon. The two squads that came in couldn't do anything more so they sat and waited as the team A moved forward 6" towards the Boyz squad. The Blight drone moved laterally to the far corner behind the other troops and shot his Reaper Cannons at the other 3 Killa Kanz, but again failed to do any damage.
With shooting complete the 8 Plague Bearers ran into assault against the only Boyz squad denying them the furious charge. One Plague Bearer fell from combat as two boyz died in the melee. Rolling for fearless they made their saves and round two ended
Round 3 Orkz: The Kanz began to move away from the remaining nurgling forces, but then decided against it and pushed forward another 6". They unloaded 6 small blast againt the Nurglings resulting in two wounds.Being a swarm the wounds doubled making the total, killing off 1 swarmling and giving another a wound. The other 3 Kanz shot into the Plague Bearers, but thanks to their 5+ inv and FnP they avoided taking any wounds.
Assault: 3 Kanz assaulted the 9 nurglings, while the other 3 Kanz assaulted the other 7 Plague Bearers. Since the nurgle units have such low strength, none were able to penetrate a walker's front armor, so they did not attack. Due to the Kanz having Dreadnaught CCW they denied any forces a FnP save. The asaults ended with another nurgling and plague bearer failing their 5+ inv saves.
Meanwhile the Boyz and PB continued assault. Both sides trading attacks at the same time. This time the Plague Bearers took 3 Boyz down while losing 1 themselves. The Orkz rallied and avoided a sweeping advance.
Round 3 Nurgle: Unable to do anything the nurglings and PB of team B took additional wounds. The Blight Drone with nothing to shoot at moved to the other half of the board in attempt to set up some shots, knowing the nurgle forces tied up wouldn't last long.
Failing their saves the 8 plague bearers are wiped out and the Orkz move towards the Blight Drone for an assault.
Round 4 Orkz: Unable to return attacks and denied FnP, the Nurglings and PB of team B continued to take losses. At this point the best they could hope for was tie up the Kanz long enough to force a draw.
The Boyz move into assault to the Blight drone. The Nob scores a penetrating hit with his klaw and destroys the drone. They consolidate towards the remaining assaults.
Round 4 Nurgle: The remaining Plague Bearers are wiped out and the 3 Kanz move towards the last squad of nurglings.
The Boyz dropped a few more plague bearers making the kill count 5 of 8 now. The Plague Bearers answered with another kill, and managed to make their fearless rolls to avoid any more casualties.
Round 5 Orkz: All remaining Ork forces converge on the remaining Nurglings. The additional wounds done are by the power weapons. More casualties and wounds are added.
Round 5 Nurglings: The Nurglings attack the boyz but fail to do any damage as they continue to take losses.
a 4 is rolled and it continues 1 more round
Round 6: The Orkz manage to kill the last of the Nurglings
Result: Nurgle loss
Summary: I knew ahead of time that the Orkz were using the Kanz and hoped not to play them, but fate can be a bitch sometimes. The best chance I had was to force a draw by killing the Boyz and Big Mek and maybe a Kan or two.
Although I was lucky with deployment, the combination of low weapon skills, lack of strength, and some bad rolls almost guaranteed a loss. Still, I came into round one knowing this so it's all good.
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